Monday 9 May 2011

A Little Story.....

I would like to share with you a little 1st written story that cropped into my head one dull day at the story goes........


The lake glistened like millions of diamonds, warmed by the colorful rays of the setting evening sun.

A cool breeze blew across her face, lifting her long soft golden hair as if it floats with the wind.  She looked up at the birds flying back home to the warmth of their nests.  She thought how lucky they are to be so go where ever their wings may take them.

Up by the edge of the lake..the trees swayed, as if dancing to the tune of the blowing wind.
he soft sound of a pair of squeaking squirrels caught her attention.  She watched as they scurried to and fro and finally disappeared into the comforts of their warm nest.

She turned her attention once again towards the lake, watching the beautiful sunset until it disappeared beyond the distant horizon..taking with it the sparkling diamonds that was floating on the surface of the waters.

As the orange golden sunset turned into night..she gazed up into the sky filled with millions of sparkling stars.  Mother nature has her ways of making the world beautiful, even in darkness, the thought to herself.

The sounds of chirping birds and squeaking squirrels quietened down and the sound of the night crickets caught her ears.  They seem as if they are singing to an orchestra, the thought.  How pleasant it was to her ears.  She had always loved watching the sunset turn into night.  It seem like its another world of its own.

Hundreds of tiny lights began to appear by the edge of the trees. "Ahh! The fireflies are back!", she said to herself, bringing a broad smile to her oval shape face.  She looked so ever lovely..with her large eyes..petite nose and ever so beautiful captivating smile, that could even melt the coldest mountain.

Soon they seem to look like tiny twinkling stars all around her.  It seems like the fireflies were dancing to the rhythm of the orchestra of crickets.  She had always enjoyed the soothing tune of the crickets..singing in the night, and whats more with the breathtaking sight of the glowing fireflies, makes the long wait so worthwhile, she thought to herself.

The grass tickled her fingers as she gently stroked it with her hands. It's soft feeling seem too inviting to resist.  She lifted her long golden strands as she laid upon the cool grass heaving a long sigh of relief.  As she lay on the soft cool grass enjoying the heavenly sight around her, her thoughts wandered off to the time when she was a little girl.  She could see herself frolicking in the fields... without a care in the world.  Each time she turned around.. mom and dad would always be there... watching over her... protecting her.

How she wished time would turn itself around... she missed the smile and laughter of dear old daddy and the warm comforting arms of her mother.  She remembered them so vividly, as if it was yesterday.  Silently she thanked them, for all the love they had showered upon her.  They are like her very heart and soul.  They are the ones who have nurtured her to be what she is today.  Her love for the wilderness came from them too.

She then told herself..that this is the life for her.. this is home now.  She gazed at the small cottage standing majestically upon a hill not too far away.  She felt so at peace here, the country is where her heart is.  No more hustle and bustle of city life... she finally is back where she feels she really belongs.

She got up and silently bade goodnight to mother nature.  she hummed a tune as she slowly strolled back to her cottage...a tune so familiar to her.  She could feel as if mum and dad are singing along with her.... in her heart... I miss u mum and dad......

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